Friday, 14 November 2014

the most famous cat in ireland

the most famous cat in ireland is a fella be the name of pangur,,,,we have been talking about him now for over a thousand years... an pangur ban ..pronounced "on pangoor baan".. he turns up first in the margin of a holy book in a monastery in central europe about 800 years after the death of christ or around the same time that the norsemen were givin the rest of us a primer course in rapin and activity they called viking ...young men going on a trip with the intention of bringing back presents ....anyway back to the cat; this well travelled cat is the object and subject of a monkish poem on the creative search.... and i would translate it for you here and now but seamus heaney has already done a fair to middlin job that you can find on google or by following the links below.... if it interests you you might also search out his notes.... seamus's that is, it is not known if the cat ever left a note... and as for the mouse....well...
  and the poem

Monday, 10 November 2014

Streets that stretch ones legs

I had never known a room
Could be so bright
Or fruit so colorful
On a countertop, coffee
Could be so
Rich and full waiting
For milk, or that
A woman in a summer
Dress could break
The back of longing
'Till I met her walking
In streets that stretch one's legs
Above the lake