
in january of 2014 after 6 months approximately this blog has had just over 1000 views. I have posted in the region of 25 pieces and am learning a little about myself and my writing.

i started a blog,
what i am doing with a blog ?

Unless google lied, it seems within a few hours of my writing a story here 20 people read it.  Two in the united states and one in Poland. I feel privileged and humbled to have this access to the world. When I consider the history of ideas, that I a peasant in one location can converse so broadly without leaving my hovel is mind boggling.

Now what do i do with this privilege? I am excited, that will be a surprise to some of my friends as I sometimes give the impression that I am beyond excitement.

Most of what I post here will fall into the category; creative non-fiction,
I am interested in words and the meanings we attach to them and in particular the badmeanings that we ascribe to words

communion   the sacred... the profane... confession and social commentary

i am interested in people and our actions and interactions... communion and communication, language as an expression and an instrument.

so these pages will have stories, poetry, comment, memoir, explorations, meditations all in the spectrum between truth and fantasy, honesty might even show her face now and then.

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